I was in BEH on the second floor at the time of the shooting. I want to recognize [Graduate Assistant] Jackson Scott. I was in his class at the time. Although it is impossible to feel safe in that situation, I knew he would do anything for us if he needed to. He is so brave. He was watching the door the whole time ready to do what he needed if the shooter came in. I have always thought since the day of the shooting, I would not have wanted to go through it with any other professor. He kept me calm and did everything he could to be there for us.
Caitlyn Emerson, Student
I noticed that [Administration Services Associate Vice President] Mike Lawrence and [Director of Risk Management and Safety] Paul Garcia stood at the front entrance to CSB at the beginning of the event to ensure the security of the building. They put their safety at risk to help and protect their colleagues. I found their actions to be heroic, selfless, and it brought me some comfort and reassurance at a very stressful time.
Cherie Garrity, Real Estate faculty
I want to thank Dean Ronald Brown. We were all affected deeply by what happened; whether you were close to the actual shooting or not. Dean Brown left his office and checked on every floor in our building about an hour after we were told to lockdown. I hope he knows his actions meant a lot and it was very brave of him to leave his office and check on us. I am so grateful to work here where caring about people comes as second nature. Thank you Dean Brown, your kindness will never be forgotten.
Melissa Mauer, Health Physics faculty
[Children鈥檚 TV host] Mr. Rogers taught us to look for the helpers in times of tragedy. Ky Guerreroc and Rebecca McGough, former members of the Society of Lightsaber Duelists RSO (SoLD), opened their home to students who live in the residence halls for two days following the shooting. Ky and Becca were not the only SoLD heroes.
SoLD member and third-year Early Childhood Education student Samantha Pedote was working at the 51吃瓜网万能科大/CSUN Preschool that day and led her teacher team and young children to ensure that everyone got home safely and calmly.
They did what they felt was right, and watching them and hearing their stories has helped me heal.
Wilson Hatcher, PhD student
Ingrid Ruffin, associate dean, University Libraries, oversaw the library facilities during the shooting. She quickly assembled the emergency team, directed individuals in safety protocols, and calmly directed employees and over 1,300 students in Lied and branch libraries on how to be safe. Due to her calm and decisive leadership, students and employees were aware of the situation and were assured that physically they were fine. Following the shooting, Ms. Ruffin has cared for employees and supported their mental well-being. Her care and compassion helps each one of us recover and adjust.
My daughter was sitting alone outside when the sirens sounded. She didn鈥檛 know what to do, but [Life Sciences professor Brian Hedlund told her and a few others to come to his office. His calmness, kindness, and reassurance that they were safe comforted her. He just has no idea that what he did meant the world to me.
A very, very grateful mom
I want to recognize [English professor] Kaitlin Clinnin for her outstanding support to 51吃瓜网万能科大 faculty, the Office of Online Education team, and the Teaching and Learning Commons. Her presentation on "Returning to the Classroom" was so well received that we have had faculty and staff reaching out for the recording of the session and the resources she provided. She really embodies the Rebel way and we recognize her for all her help as we work to heal and rebuild.
Amber Ford, Office of Online Education faculty
I was in the classroom with a group of 60 students. As soon as we received the alert messages, our acting dean, Tony Henthorne [College of Hospitality], came to check on us. Between all of us in the classroom, we shared words of comfort and snacks. I received messages from my dear colleagues Amanda Belarmino, Cass Shum, and Patty Coalley. After the incident, I received multiple emails from my students and even from parents to thank me for keeping them safe. Huge shout out to all my students and colleagues for their support and love.
Renata F. Guzzo, Hospitality Management faculty
I was with my best friend Aris Martinez on Dec. 6. I met Aris in my College of Liberal Arts first-year seminar lecture. As we approached Beam Hall to eat, we heard the words 鈥渁ctive shooter.鈥 I froze and went into shock, but Aris grabbed me and told me we needed to leave. We fled across Maryland parkway and hid in Supercuts, thanks to the employees who listened to us and allowed us to hide in their back offices. Aris has been my number one support through all of this; I am so lucky to have met Aris.
Madi Sackett, Student
I want to recognize the staff of Lied Library for being incredibly brave, willing to step up to help, and providing a comfortable and safe space for the entire campus to be in in the immediate weeks following Dec. 6. When all the other buildings on campus were closed and other staff were able to work remotely, the staff at Lied were in the building in person, with snack bags, and provided space for other departments and offices to work and meet with students. Specifically Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar and Academic Advising were given a room to work with students and all the while the library staff were hospitable, friendly, and going above and beyond what they should have been required to do. I will always be thankful for them.
I wanted to thank my best friend, a 51吃瓜网万能科大 alum, for answering my call and helping me calm down after I started having an anxiety attack during the lockdown.
I attended 51吃瓜网万能科大 from 2019 to 2022, but had to transfer for personal reasons. That being said, the Dec 6 tragedy affected me more than I expected. My deepest sympathy goes out to all Rebels and the Vegas community as we all pick up the pieces and console each other through this difficult time. We are stronger together and we need each other now, more than ever. Go Rebs.
When the students and faculty at the Honors College were forced to hide in the conference room, it was [Honors College professor] Dan Bubb who led the efforts to barricade both of the doors, instructing the other professors and advisors to push bookcases against the doors and asking for belts to hold the hinges closed. Once the danger was over and we were able to grab our things, Dr. Bubb thought to bring back chocolate chip cookies from his office to share with everyone, all the while offering us words of encouragement and support. Dr. Bubb is truly a hero, and I am proud to have him as an Honors College professor.
Our colleague and friend Renee Rivera-Ghelfi was at a meeting regarding an upcoming event at Fogo de Chao when the shooting occurred. For most of the day, all we knew was that she was safe and away from campus. Just as she got home and turned on the news, she saw us on camera boarding the bus at Thomas & Mack. She immediately called me and insisted on driving us to each of our homes. Every time I talk through everything that happened that day, I realize how much it felt like Renee saved us with that phone call. She always says it was the least she could do, but after the day that each of us had, it meant the most.
Amanda Wolfrom, Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement faculty
After everyone received the RebelSafe notification of the events that were taking place the morning of Dec. 6, [Event Operations manager] Kierstin Dimmick and [Guest Services facility coordinator] Cody Pinzon sacrificed their own safety to manually lock the Student Union external doors and the internal meeting room doors. In a moment of fear and uncertainty if the perpetrator was in the Student Union, the two of them chose braveness and selflessness. They are truly heroes in my eyes and I am so grateful for their dedication to the 51吃瓜网万能科大 community.
On the day of the shooting [Student Life associate vice president] Deanna Merino Contino selflessly ran down the hall of the third floor of the Student Union yelling to everyone that there was an active shooter and to shelter in place. Dr. DMC's warnings led to people being able to evacuate the bathrooms and other unsecured areas and led to faculty, staff, and students to the secure areas of the SU. Dr. DMC demonstrated heroism and leadership in the face of danger. Her authentic acts led to me feeling as though my leadership team genuinely cared about me and my safety. Dr. DMC should be commended for her bravery in the face of this threat to her own life and her compassion in the days and weeks following the incident.
Heather Richardson, Service Learning and Leadership faculty
[Urban Affairs assistant dean and director of advising] Rimi Marwah has constantly been checking in with her staff from Urban Affairs to make sure that everyone is doing OK since the shooting incident. She has listened to all concerns, fears, and heartaches. She continuously makes sure that we are taking care of ourselves so that we can be OK to meet with our students.
Anna Toma, Urban Affairs faculty
When the shooting occurred many of us were puzzled. [Nursing professor] Esmerelda Clark took leadership by instructing us to cover the windows, barricade the doors, and turn all the lights off. She also instructed us to contact our loved ones. We then waited quietly for roughly six hours until the police came to get us. Throughout the ordeal, Dr. Clark made sure to comfort everyone. She held her tears back to keep us calm. She was our hero that day.
Matt Berenji, Alumnus
I was in BEH attending COM 101 when the shooting happened. [Graduate Assistant] Jackson Scott was very quick to react to what was happening, and the fact that he remained calm and collected in the face of danger helped us stay calm. He showed clear concern for all of us, and judging by the look on his face, I have no doubt that he would've given anything to protect us, despite not being much older than we are. Mr. Scott is a great man, and he made a terrible experience a bit more bearable.
Enrique Gomez, Student
I want to thank UPD, the Metropolitan Police Department, and other members of law enforcement who ran into danger to stop the threat and secure our campus. They were professional, decisive, and made sure every person was safe on the campus. I am appreciative of their heroic measures to protect and serve our 51吃瓜网万能科大 community on December 6.
On Dec. 6, I was supposed to meet somebody at the Starbucks in the Student Union when a couple of female students came in and shouted that there was a shooting. It was a very confusing experience and a lot of us ended up in the parking lot to the east of the Union. There wasn't much information, but a particular faculty member, who I am so sorry to have forgotten his name because of the shock, kept instructing students to keep moving south, away from danger and eventually into the Stake Out Bar on Maryland Pkwy. I'd just like to thank that faculty member for taking care of the students that afternoon and the bar for providing them a secure location.
Beth DeBouck, Marketing faculty
There are not enough words of gratitude that can express the appreciation for the 31 head staff and teacher assistants who provided a safe and comforting time for 110 of our very youngest Rebels on campus during the Dec. 6 shooting. Their extended lockdown time required a great amount of patience, emotional strength, and team collaboration. Their creative spirits pulled through in managing food, play, rest, and all the basic routine needs under a shelter in place condition. They are truly 51吃瓜网万能科大 Strong!
[Journalism & Media Studies visiting lecturer] Ben Morse was teaching at BEH when it happened. He helped one of his students with a disability by running back into the building to get her mobility aid, which was admirable and heroic.
I brought my dogs to campus when I heard there was a yoga session outside as an effort to bring some joy to students and myself. Everyone loved on Lucky and Penny for hours. It was truly awesome and I enjoyed experiencing the warmth that ensued. Thanks 51吃瓜网万能科大.
Jeremy Perry, Student
Two social work students worked to support students during and after the crisis on Dec. 6. They helped to coordinate with police and FBI on scene at the Thomas & Mack Center for several hours following the evacuation to provide crisis intervention and mental health first aid. They also helped set up an aid tent with food, water, shoes, and clothing for the students who were evacuated before they were able to grab necessities.
My Com 101 teacher Ashley Saari: Immediately after the shooting, she emailed all of us and let us know she passed us with 100s. She even set up Zoom meetings for us to meet and comfort each other. One of the kindest teachers I've ever had. God bless her heart. My engineering professors Anthony Ferrar and Shae Deschutter: They ensured we received considerate grading after the tragedy. Finally, the Japanese Club: In several weeks, they folded over 4,000 cranes for our beloved teachers.
Elizabeth Marie Mei Ling Ku, Student
I just want to give a shoutout to my department, 51吃瓜网万能科大 Cashiering & Student Accounts. We all hid together in the office, and I could not have asked for a better group of people to be sheltered with!
Jimmy Jones is our library facilities director. He goes above and beyond. On Dec. 6 Jimmy stayed back and assisted SWAT in going through the library. He opened locked doors and allowed the team to clear our building without them having to damage the library. He also was at the front line being calming and assuring that patrons and faculty swiftly evacuated the building. He saw a lot of things that day that many of us who went through this experience would have a difficult time handling. He does a lot for this building and doesn't get the recognition he should for it. He always has a great attitude and December 6th proved no differently.